The Everything Pack - Gimme Five!

Gimme Five! is an offer aimed at those teachers and schools who like the look of our Outstanding Teaching Pack, but don't need it all. For only £30, you can pick and choose any five resources from the O.T. Pack - the most appropriate ones for your situation. In case you're unsure about what the Outstanding Teaching Pack entails, here's some more information:

Here are the eleven resources you have to choose from. Click each resource to find out more (they'll open in a new tab):

And now including...

How does this offer work?

If you're considering buying several of our resources, but don't want the whole Everything Pack, Gimme Five may be for you.

To receive your resources you need to do two things (in any order!):

  • Fill in the order form below, remembering to choose the FIVE resources you'd like. After submitting the form, you should be redirected back to this page;
  • Pay for the resources using the Paypal button below. This will send you to the Paypal checkout where you can securely pay for the resources. Unlike the Everything Pack Classic, you won't be redirected to a download page immediately after paying as we'll have to tailor your links to your choices. Bear with us - you should have the links within 24 hours at the very most.

    Step 1: Submit this form

    Fill out my online form.
    Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

    Step 2: Pay via Paypal

    This edition of Gimme Five is copyright Sparky Teaching 2014.