Fly Right!

What's it all about?

<< Click through the gallery to see more!

'Fly Right' started off as an attempt to take the themes from Messages That Matter and simplify them so that younger children could benefit from the strong values and affirmations that particular resource represents. But it's ended up as a resource that we think is equally suitable for older classes too. Start off as you mean to go on - by showing your new class the things you value. As we've said before, many of our pupils face all sorts of difficulties outside of school and yet they come in, comply with our rules and generally give of their best every single day. You can't put a number on the important things in life, but can we not reward them and show students we notice, value and admire these positive characteristics?

'Fly Right!' is a 23-page PDF eBook which includes fifteen A4 posters based on the images in the gallery above (and quarter-page versions for you to pass on to your students). Amongst other things, it will remind your students:

    - we value their characters, not just their schoolwork
    - their age/size shouldn't limit their ideas/dreams/curiosity
    - to celebrate and respect differences in each other
    - that putting others first is a quality to be admired
    - to be creative and try new things
    - to work together and see their class as a team

So, what started out as a resource for Key Stage 1 (Lower Elementary) has become something bigger. We believe these distilled messages delivered with humour can be just as effective in schools as their slightly wordier cousins.

Pigeons have long been misunderstood and undervalued in our classrooms. It's our privilege, nay honour, to redress that balance. Keep on peckin'.

Like what you see?

'Fly Right!' costs £8.99. You can download the zip file which contains 'Fly Right!' by clicking the 'Buy Now!' link below which will send you to a secure PayPal checkout. Once payment for the £8.99 has been accepted, click the link that tells to go 'back to Sparky Teaching' (this bit's important!) You will be redirected to a page where you will be able to download the resource. We will also send you an e-mail containing a link to the download page. Remember to keep a copy of your receipt if you intend claiming the cost of your purchase from your school budget.

Would you rather we invoiced your school?

If you would prefer to pay by cheque via an invoice, click here and we'll sort one out. We'll email the links so you can download the resources straight away.

Looking for a special offer?

If you're a sparky-minded school and you want to place a bulk order, you might be better off getting The Outstanding Teaching Pack which includes Fly Right! (and the rest of our downloads) and is a ridiculously good offer! We can invoice your school directly.

Fly Right! is an electronic resource. If you're a publisher and might be interested in seeing it in print, do get in touch.
'Fly Right!' is copyright Sparky Teaching 2013, with thanks to Mrs Sparky for her inspiration once again.
Straighten up and fly right - Nat 'King' Cole